Cultural Center of Balkans

Recent events/Greece

International volleyball camp in Greece

Balkan Cultural Center (BKC) in cooperation with its honorary member ORK "Feniks Čukarički" is organizing a summer volleyball camp for a period from 19th to 28th August. The camp will be held in Loutraki (75 km from Athens, just before crossing Corinth) and participants will be male and female volleyball players of ORK "Feniks Čukarički" from Belgrade (Serbia) and AO "Filia" from Arta (Greece).

Translation of the book "Elementary games and their application" by professors Drs Predrag and Vesna Nemec in the press

At the initiative of the Association of Volleyball Coaches Greece, Balkan Cultural Center translated into Greek the book named "Elementary games and their applications" that contains 1500 games divided in five age groups (preschool, primary school, junior high school, high school and adult).

"The main Serbian-Greek and Greek-Serbian sports dictionary" in preparation

Balkan Cultural Center is currently preparing the first issue of sports vocabulary which will include the terms of the Serbian and Greek languages. The intention is to prepare the same type of dictionary at all Balkan languages.